My Babajee

My Babajee

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Shivog Singapore Higher Sree Vidya Shivir details

The cost for the shivir is

24 Dec : Divine Satsang & Registration ( Free for all)

25 Dec - 1 Jan 2012 {Front Row : SGD $ 1000 }
                                 { Middle Row : SGD $750 }
                                 { Back Row : SGD $500 }

This the link for conversion of money :

As babajee has mentioned that no matter where you sit the shakti will flow to you , therefore it does not matter where you sit.

This is the link for list of hotels in Singapore :

The venue of the event is :
1. The venue address is: Global Indian International School - 51, Jalan Rajah, Balestier
Road, Singapore 329154.

Be sure to remember the adress . :)
The map

For more info :