My Babajee

My Babajee

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Shivog Singapore Higher Sree Vidya Shivir details

The cost for the shivir is

24 Dec : Divine Satsang & Registration ( Free for all)

25 Dec - 1 Jan 2012 {Front Row : SGD $ 1000 }
                                 { Middle Row : SGD $750 }
                                 { Back Row : SGD $500 }

This the link for conversion of money :

As babajee has mentioned that no matter where you sit the shakti will flow to you , therefore it does not matter where you sit.

This is the link for list of hotels in Singapore :

The venue of the event is :
1. The venue address is: Global Indian International School - 51, Jalan Rajah, Balestier
Road, Singapore 329154.

Be sure to remember the adress . :)
The map

For more info :

Tum chahte kya ho ?

Tum Chahte kya ho ?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Shivyog Sadhana Importance

Babajee tells us why we have to do shivyog sadhana very well here

Jab Koi Baat Bigaad Jaye .....

Listen to this song when you have any problem or sad and see how your problems are gone.

This is from goa shivir . :)

2012 Doomsday or Ascension

Babajee's view on 2012

ASCENSION or DOOMSDAY?Your Choice…The divine message of the Guru Mandala (The Holy Siddhas) through...Avdhoot Baba Shivanandji                                                                                                      
 1Q) Every religion is talking about the 'doomsday' and in our religion also 'Mahapralaya in Kalyuga' is mentioned.And the year 2012 is considered to be the doomsday – the day of judgement. Please elaborate on this.

Babaji: December 21st in the year 2012 is the Ascension Day for the evolved human beings. It can be the doomsday for those who have not followed the path of truth.Actually every human being has an individual consciousness. Planet earth also has its own consciousness which is very clear and pure. That's why the whole Galaxy and the planet earth are ascending. Year 2012 is the transition period for planet earth when it will enter in the fourth dimension from the present position in the third dimension. Planetearth has been continuously ascending since late 1980's and its vibrational frequency has been increasing ever since. In early 1990's, it was vibrating at the frequency of 7 hertz resonance. By December 2012, it shall vibrate at the frequency of 16.8 hertz resonance. That means the vibrational frequency of Earth will become double. More vibrational frequency indicates more purity and the energy, i.e. earth heading towards higher dimension. So, this is the period when the our planet is going to ascend into the fourth dimension, becoming more pure, divine and full of love energy.Now the question is what will happen to the human beings who are living in the third dimension? People are talking about saving planet earth, but it is not correct. It is because of our ego that we talk like this. Planet earth has its own consciousness and is already ascending to higher dimension. We should rather be talking about saving ourselves, about saving fellow human beings. All individuals have different consciousness levels and are still vibrating at much lower frequencies. More than 2/3 of our population is vibrating at below average frequency level. That's the reason in every such human being only 3.5% DNA is active and rest of 96.5% DNA is totally inactive, indicating the ignorance level,spirituality level and the level of truth within us. Baba Gorakshnath, Buddha, Christ and all holy Siddhas had 100% active DNA and had a much higher vibrational frequency. That's why they were much more evolved beings.The low DNA activation influences thinking of mankind, making them think negatively thus generating negative energy. Collective generation of negative energy will take mankind towards disaster. As on today 2/3 rd of the population has to be saved from the destructive negative energy field of ego, greed, hatred, resentment, holding on to herd mentality and trying to create herd of people which can be dominated by individuals and so on.The grace of the evolved beings can activate your DNA and erase your past accumulated karmas. Then you rise above all these negative qualities, your vibrational energy gets enhanced and the DNA activation starts. That's why it is said that it cannot happen on its own. Divine light is needed to initiate this process and at every stage of growth and activation.Therefore, if we also consciously make efforts to raise our energy levels and move towards higher spirituality, then we too can easily ascend to 4th dimension along with planet earth. But it can be the doomsday for those who are not growing spiritually.Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam, all religions say that the doomsday is the day of Judgment for all those who are unfaithful to the Divinity. But in the Siddha philosophy it is mentioned, as I said earlier, that on this Day of Judgment those who follow the divine path will be saved by Shiva (Infinite) himself. This means that those who are on the path of purity will ascend to the fourth dimension during their living time, and from the year 2012 to 2028 all these living human beings will be totally submerged in the fourth dimension experiencing the higher level of spirituality powered with unconditional love, bliss and happiness. And those who are still vibrating at lower frequency level of third dimension in 2012, when the earth is entering into higher dimension are likely to perish in the natural and manmade calamities. And when theyare reborn, they will not come on this planet where we are living. Instead they will go down to another planet which is vibrating at the lowest 3rd dimensional energy and they are likely to face the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’ with more suffering, sorrow, pain, disease and 'alp aayu'as mentioned in the scriptures.So let's take the period from now up to the year 2012 as anopportunity to collectively work towards our ascension and also help all our near and dear ones to achieve the same. If we work collectively, we can take the whole humanity towards happiness, towards unconditional love and towards self realisation. Let's be one divine ray of light of holy Siddhas and let us work for the divinity. Due to ignorance we might have worked for the Devil and might have been instrumental in making many people drift from the right path. But it's never too late. Let us illuminate our lives and work to illuminate the lives of others.

Meaning of shivyog

Shiv means infinite. Yog means merging.Thus Shivyog mean merging with infinite to emergr infinite.

Who is gurumaa ?

                                                This is gurumaa (wife of babajee)

Babaji has always lived by his preachings and with Guru Ma by his side he is able to enlighten the lives of millions of people. When Babaji shared his soul agenda with Guru Maa and requested her to let him go into the Himalayas to find his spiritual path, Maa silently requested if she can join him and become a part of his soul agenda. It was Maa’s unconditional love, devotion and commitment in discharging her family responsibilities that kept Babaji focused on his spiritual path.

Guru Maa has not only been the silent Shakti in Babaji’s life but in the life’s of millions of others through her innumerable seva projects like bhandara, goushala etc. As Babaji teaches us about unconditional love, Guru Maa gives us a living example of selfless service.

Babaji and Gurumaa set a perfect example of how one can discharge worldly responsibilities and attain spiritual enlightment simultaneously. In Babaji’s words – one do not need to go into the forest to attain self realization, true enlightment comes when you shower unconditional love onto your family members and facilitate each other in the attainment of their spiritual path.

Event Diary

Sorry but some of the shivirs are no longer in the shivyog site so these are the updated upcoming shivirs. Any inconvinience caused is highly regreted. :(


PPS Jaipur :
Date: 3rd Nov to 7th Nov 2011

Venue: Tagore International School, Sector 7, Mansarovar, jaipur 302020

Details: 09:00 am to 06:00 pm

Sree Vidya Level 1 & 2 Chennai
Date: 8th Nov to 16th Nov 2011

Venue: Valluvar Kottam Auditorium, Valluvar Kottam High Road, Chennai - 600034

Details: 9:00 am to 06:00 pm     

Sree Vidya Level 1& 2  Delhi

Date: 21st Nov to 28th Nov 2011

Venue: Thyagaraj Stadium, Shri Ganganath Marg, I N A Colony, New Delhi

Details:09:00 am to 06:00 pm


Shivyog Shivir Jalandhar  (My Birthday 3rd December:) )

Date: 30th Nov to 10th Dec 2011

Venue: Sain Dass A.S Sr. Sec. School Play Ground, Patel Chowk, Jalandhar

Details: 9:00 am to 06:00 pm

Shivyog Shivir Kenya

Date: 14th Dec to 22nd Dec 2011

Venue: Dinesh & Mahesh Chandaria Audiotorium - Oshwal Centre

9:00 am to 06:00 pm

 Sree Vidya  Level 1 & 2 Singapore

Date: 24th Dec to 1st Jan 2012

Venue: Global Indian International School - 51, Jalan Rajah, Balestier Road, Singapore 329154

Details: 8:30 am to 05:30 pm


Advance PPS & Art of Self realization Mount Abu

Date: 7th Feb to 15th Feb 2012

Venue: Polo Ground, Mount Abu, Rajasthan

Details:09:00 am to 06:00 pm


Shivyog Shivir Toronto, Canada

Date: 12th Mar to 22nd Mar 2012

Venue: Swaminarayan Temple Toronto 61 Claireville Drive Toronto, ON M9W 5Z7

Details: 9:00 am to 06:00 pm

Shivyog Shivir USA
Date: 28th Mar to 7th Apr 2012

Venue: USA

Details: 9:00 am to 06:00 pm