My Babajee

My Babajee

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sadhak experience

I have been attending Babaji programmes since 2001 and I could feel the transformation in my character, personal life well supported by materialistic success are amazing. Pranams to Babaji
Ravi, Chennai
Babaji programmes not only gives me success in my professional life and but also in every walks of my life. I have started my life as a programmer but now I have reached as GM in one of the biggest chemical industry in India. It all – happened after meeting our beloved Babaji.
Vani Bhaskher, Baroda
Babaji’s Siddha HealingTM Programme has given me an insight of truth and the Divine Blessings ! I pray Babaji may kindly extend the same to all human beings in the world !
Abenav Patel, Mumbai
I happened to attend the Satsang of Babaji at Mumbai which is the turning point in my life. Subsequently I have also attended his ‘Sree Vidya Guru Diksha’ and ‘Prati Prasav Sadhna’. These two programmes are really helped me to understand me and my past. I have seen myself changed with more blissful and achieved lots of prosperity. Past Life Therapy is the one – I found very Unique – and never heard except from Inner Strength Foundation. With so much of curiosity, I have attended the results are so beautiful and amazing.
Satyajit, Pune
During the Siddha HealingTM initiation I saw golden light entering all my chakras and my whole body was vibrating. When the Mrit Sanjeevani Shakti was entering my higher body, Anandmaya Kosha I experienced the Ultimate bliss that cannot be expressed in words.
Dr. Balram Patel
During the Siddha HealingTM workshop I could feel the chakras and the aura very nicely and now Whenever I give Siddha HealingTM to anybody the results are immediate and I after every healing I feel very relaxed and energized. Siddha HealingTM is also helping me in being more focused.
Acube, Student
Babaji’s courses are so live and I always enjoy that I am taken into new world with full of Divine and Peace. All his programmes are made more lovely person among my family and contacts which I never had in my past. Pranams to Babaji
Mayur Desai, Rajkot
I was left awe struck by the power of Siddha HealingTM and it is really amazing that even the people whom I give healing can feel the light coming from me and healing them. After attending this workshop my relationship with my colleagues and relatives has suddenly become very loving and cordial.
Karan, Fashion Designer
The experience of the Aura and chakras during the Siddha HealingTM workshop was really out of the world. I realized that I am not just this physical body. Before the initiation when I was asked to see my Mooladhar Chakra, I found that its one petal was totally damaged and just after the initiation when I saw it again it had all the petals that too in perfect shape and had a very soft energy. I believe that the Siddha HealingTM is the only workshop which empowers one to do the Ascension of the Ancestors.
Rakesh, Noida
I practice the Mrit Sanjeevani Meditation that I learnt in Siddha HealingTM daily and everyday I feel my chakras opening more and more and it makes me feel extraordinarily light and blissful. During the Ascension Process I saw a new born baby merging with the light which I later came to know was my elder brother who was born dead. After doing the Ascension I felt very calm and peaceful.
Anshu Gauba, Housewife
I feel blessed that I got the opportunity to attend the Siddha HealingTM workshop. During the Mrit Sanjeevani Meditation meditation i saw the golden energy flowing in my whole body. When i was doing the Ascension Kriya I saw many known and unknown people who were going in the light and rising to the higher dimension.
Hemant Gupta, New Delhi
I was suffering from severe headache for last 25-26 years and the pain was so severe that it was not bearable. I visited all over India and nearby places, many top hospitals like PGI Chandigarh and Rohtak but nobody could diagnose it correctly.25 years is a very-very long period and I lost all hopes of getting cured. The pain was for a 26-27 days in a month and hardly I was OK for 3-4 days in a month. With the blessings of Avdhoot Baba Shivananda, the headache was cured within 5-6 days and today I am perfectly all right, no trace of any ache. I am grateful to Baba ji and shall remain for ever.
Shyam Kaushik, Mumbai
I got a very joyful life after i got initiated into Shiv Yog from Babaji and by the blessings of Baba Shivananda i do not get sick from any kind of illness and now i am totally active and happy.
Krishna Kumar Dubey
Since I met Babaji & I started practicing Shiv Yog, medicines are out of my house. From the very first day we stopped using any kind of medicine & we are completely healthy.
Anil Kaushik, Meerut

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