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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Inner strenght perspective

Avdhoot Baba Shivanand
In this blue chip age life has acquired new dimensions. Apart from being grossly materialistic, the life nowadays revolves around exploring ways and means to escape tensions, upheavals and stress. These factors are keepsakes of modern day cosmopolitan life. Not to mention diseases pertaining to the state of restlessness. In this scenario people are literally caught between devil and the deep sea. Meaning the cures to these acquired ailments are as severe as the malaise. For example, a person suffering from diabetes has to endure frequent intravenous injections before and after every meal. Strong antibiotic tablets with potential for hazardous after effects are more norm than exception these days. Same goes for rigorous and life sapping medical therapies normally prescribed as panacea. The precious commodity called relief is hard to come by.
Relief nowadays is more scarce that oxygen on the Himalayas. The relief that we are talking of implies to all the ills besieging the humanity. People live in constant shadow of fear. Fear of unknown is lurking in the mind of everyone. Blame it on terrorism and violence of every perceivable variety but actually the reason lies somewhere else. It lies in our minds. Remember that age-old credo-“Idle mind is devils workshop”. This adage albeit differently can clearly illustrate the root cause of all our predicaments. It would go something like this-“A polluted mind infested with negative thought is devil workshop.” It is people themselves who are bringing all the miseries upon them. And no doctor, psychiatrist can rid them from this syndrome. Rather relief to this syndrome lies within each of us. It is just a matter of reaching out to it. Blessed souls like Avdhoot Baba Shivananda are there to guide anyone who wants to reach out to his or her reservoir of remedial powers. Avdhoot Baba Shivananda’s soul mission in life is dedicated to rooting out negativity from the earth. If negativity is banished world would be absolutely free from all kinds of malaise ranging from social to physiological.
The Man and His Noble Mission
Avdhoot Baba Shivananda was initiated into meditation at a tender age of eight. His Guru was 108 Swami Jagannathji was blessed with immense Siddha powers. Perhaps Swamiji had inkling that one day this prodigal disciple would make him proud. Babaji started his spiritual journey with Shakti Upasana. With the aid of Shirdi Sai Baba he successfully completed his Sadhna. Destiny it seems had chosen him for a specific role. More specifically for the role of a benevolent and benefactor Siddha, who would bring joy and succor to the aggrieved, so to speak. Baba Shivananda’s search for Guru for further pursuits culminated at the Ashram of Sadguru Nityananda. Another divine incarnate blessed with amazing powers.
Avdhoot Baba Shivananda’s spiritual odyssey took him to all sacred places. He spent endless hours meditating and praying for Siddha powers. It was a gradual cycle of spiritual awakening and realization for him. In the due process he learnt secrets of divinity that empowered him to provide relief and succor to the aggrieved. Babaji attributes all his accomplishments to his Guru Sadguru Nityananda. And in compliance with Gurudev Nityananda’s legacy, Babaji laid foundation for World Spiritual Healing Foundation. The platform for realization and liberation.
Avdhoot Baba Shivananda has acquired profound expertise in spiritual healing. His approach on spiritual healing is pragmatic and crystal clear. No wonder his discourses have become a healing by themselves. Babaji propagates the use of versatile and immense powers of Kundalini. This is a fountainhead of Shakti he says. There have been instances where people with non-conformist views experienced miraculous healing just by watching Babaji’s programme on TV. Sometimes people are claimed to have felt complete relief from kidney stone and other fatal ailments while watching his discourses. Babaji sees nothing unusual in this. For him such occurrences are a testimony to the all pervasive powers of Kundalini. Kundalini, he says, is capable enough to wipe out the negativity from entire planet. Avdhoot Baba Shivananda’s mission in life also runs on the similar lines. To eradicate negativity from the earth! If his healing powers are anything to go by, such eventuality is well within the realms of possibility.

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